Make me Hero #MOMTIPS.
Want your kid to interact more? May be we can play a role in that. Give them a little push but know when to give them space too.
Check out these awesome tips!
- Let your kid be social
Encourage them to speak to other kids who may belong to your friends or colleagues.
- Let them watch cartoons
Let them watch cartoon shows where they encourage socialising and depict the importance of friendships!
- Treat your child like your friend
Interact with them as though you’re best friends. Children must understand the essence of friendship first, and what better way than to do it with you
- Let your child read books
Let them read books of friendship! What better way of teaching your kid to be more social, and induce a wonderful habit like reading
- Taking your child to the park
Take your child out to parks, where they can play and interact with other kids.